Monday, November 16, 2009

Bali, Indonesia: Kuta Beach

So I went to Indonesia this past summer with an organization called Surfing The Nations. It's a non-profit humanitarian organization based out of Honolulu, Hawaii. I found out about this organization through my good friends Kevin and Christine. It was my first international trip, so I was super excited, yet nervous at the same time. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I was traveling with 50 Americans to a third world country where the population is 95% Muslim. Out of 50 people, I knew Kevin and Christine, so it was something I never would have imagined myself doing in my entire life. Man, am I glad I went! This trip was filled with meeting new people, building and maintaining relationships, sharing stories with each other, meeting and helping the locals who are less fortunate, and ofcourse the surfing adventures! My first adventure took place on Kuta Beach in Bali, it's the main tourist attraction in Bali. This place is worse than New York City as far as population density. The first morning a few of us woke up just before sunrise to the smell of incense, we headed for the surf boats down the beach, paid 35,000 rupia ($3.50) and headed out to Kuta Reef. It was my first time surfing in a tropical destination. The water was soooo clear and warm! I was able to see the tropical fish swimming at my feet! It was truly amazing. The only thing I had to look out for was the reef itself, if you cut your feet it could lead to staph infection if it's not cleaned out properly. However, we had a great time, the surf was 2 to 4 feet, pretty small, but fun. Couldn't ask for anything better at that moment, I was in paradise!

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